Come meet top builders and developers, learn and improve your Web3 skills!
Workshops, talks, panels, and more awaits you.
This is purely a technology conference for developers and non-technical people who want to learn about Web3 technologies. There will be no trading, no ICO and no NFT launch, this is a conference to share technological knowledge, not for trading.
in beautiful Dubai
The Web3Dubai Developer Conference will feature multiple tracks on the latest innovations in Web3 technology and modular blockchains with a focus on builder and creator tools, techniques and APIs that help you scale your project and go from 0 to 1. Whether you're a developer building a new DeFi protocol, a creative or a regen building for public goods, we've got you covered with both great workshops to upgrade your skills or get you started and talks to inspire and discover. If you're a VC, we will have a speed dating scene so you can invest in all the amazing people at the conference looking for a little help!
Web3 is the burgeoning technology on which new kind of web applications are being built with the goal to build services that are more decentralized, trustless, permissionless and resilient than current web applications.
Who is this for?
Whether you are a developer or artist who want to learn or collaborate with cool projects, a decision maker looking for new Web3 technology to use or an investor searching for new licensed startups to fund, Web3Dubai is the conference to be.
Ulyana Skladchikova
Working at BlockScout on how to make blockchain data available and decentralized @blockscoutcom.
We are in the process of reviewing talks proposal and will announce the rest of speakers soon subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of the final lineup
Our Detailed ScheduleFilter:Wednesday 16 November
[20:00 - 24:00 ] Exclusive Networking Beach Bar Party at Bla Bla Dubai sponsored by Check location here
Thursday 17 November
[09:30 - 12:30 ] Workshop: Building a Full Stack Web3 Social Application [Ballroom1] [workshop] by Nader DabitIn this workshop with Nader Dabit you will learn how to build a social app on top of the Lens Protocol and Next.js.
About Speakers:Nader Dabit: Director DevRel Aave/**lens | Founder @developer_dao
[09:30 - 11:30 ] Workshop: Building an NFT-based Events System [oryx upstairs] [workshop] by Yoseph Kurnia SoenggoroThe Moralis team will teach you how you can use their tools to easily build powerfull DAPPS and interact with the blockchain.
About Speakers:Yoseph Kurnia Soenggoro: Community Engineer @ Moralis
[09:30 - 11:00 ] Workshop: Sushi Vault with Sarang Parikh [Ballroom2] [workshop] by Sarang ParikhSarang is a core-team SushiSwap developer working on Trident, cross-chain swaps, streaming and their new yield strategies. In this workshop, he will teach you some of the magic he uses to manage your DeFi yield strategies like they do it at Sushi.
About Speakers:Sarang Parikh: core developer @SushiSwap 🔱.
[09:30 - 12:30 ] Demo Day Here are the list of startups demoing during Demo Day
9:30am GROMIT Benchmark
9:37am LeaseLabs
9:44am Decademia
9:51am ZenLand
9:58am Alfcoin
10:05am Infy Protocol
10:19am RedStone
10:26am C3
10:33am Qubix Infinity
10:40am Tenderize
10:47am MeritRank: Reputation Middleware and Tooling for Advanced Tokenomics
10:54am Fabstir
11:01am Earniverse
11:08am Permissionless/ async
11:15am Nifty Row
11:22am Venera Finance
11:29am Spock Analytics
11:36am Danu
11:44am MYNE
11:58am KLIMA DAO
12:05pm nftworkx
12:12pm Noya
12:19pm Kinetex network
12:26pm newrl
12:30pm GAINS
[11:30 - 12:30 ] Guide to Aurora EVM for Builders [oryx upstairs] [workshop] by Joshua J. BouwTogether with Joshua J. Bouw you will learn how to use the Aurora EVM and the features it provides such as:
- Aurora Workspace
- Working in a sandbox environment
- Getting NEAR features such as randomness
- Cross contract calls to NEAR contracts
- Deploying EVM smart contracts and interacting with them
About Speakers:Joshua J. Bouw: Aurora Engine Tech Lead
[11:30 - 12:30 ] Deploy your first smart contract easily [Ballroom2] [workshop] by Xiao WuXiao from the ChainIDE team will lead you DIY your first Web3 dapps. You will also know how to publish & verify your smart contract on Ethereum.
About Speakers:Xiao Wu: CEO @ ChainIDE. Founded White Matrix. M.Sc. and B.Sc. from the University of Alberta.
[13:30 - 13:55 ] Web3 Social - Primitives for Adoption [Developer DAO track] by Nader Dabit
[13:30 - 16:30 ] Workshop: CTF: Secure and audit Smart Contracts with the Verilog team [oryx upstairs] [workshop] by Dr Zehua Wang, Zoey TanThe Verilog auditing team will show you how to make your smart contracts more secure.
About Speakers:Dr Zehua Wang: Co-founder and CEO @verilog_audit
Zoey Tan: Co-founder and Research Lead @ Verilog Solutions
[13:30 - 16:30 ] Workshop: Build your first DAPP and smart contract with NextJS and MetaMask [Ballroom3] [workshop] by Eric BishardEric Bishard from the MetaMask team will show you how to use your Web2 skills to build your first DAPP and smart contract.
About Speakers:Eric Bishard: DevRel @MetaMask
[13:30 - 15:30 ] On-chain Options 101 with the Dopex Team [Ballroom2] [workshop] In this workshops you will learn how to master options on-chain. Options can be powerful tools to trade and hedge your bets in this incertain market. Dopex is the number one On-chain Option Exchange and one of the most innovative dapp on Arbitrum.
Richard, Dev Relations Advocate at Dopex will demystify options for you and explain how you can take full advantage of them.
[14:00 - 14:25 ] How I created Subgraph for the lens protocol [Developer DAO track] by Nazeeh VahoraIn my talk, I would like to share my journey that how I developed the subgraph for the lens protocol as a complete beginner. I would like to share what I learned while developing the subgraph starting from a complete beginner. Why did I decide to develop that in DeveloperDAO instead of my personal project, what challenges did I face, how did I solve them and what role did the team members play in that, and how did they help me in achieving the goal. My learnings from this
About Speakers:Nazeeh Vahora: Frontend engineer at ReImagined Finance.
[14:25 - 14:30 ] MetaMask Grants DAO⚡ [Developer DAO track] by Manbir Singhnc
About Speakers:Manbir Singh: Community Engineer @ConsenSys ; Team @MetaMask 🦊💙
[14:30 - 14:55 ] Polygon ID - Self Sovereign Identity" [Developer DAO track] by raza zaidinc
About Speakers:raza zaidi: Lead Dev Rel Europe @0xPolygon
[14:55 - 15:00 ] MetaMask Snaps⚡ [Developer DAO track] by Mirko Garozzonc
About Speakers:Mirko Garozzo: Software Engineer at MetaMask
[15:00 - 15:25 ] Web3 London from 0 to 10K [Developer DAO track] by Gerard Sansnc
About Speakers:Gerard Sans: Helping Devs to succeed #AI #web3 / ex @AWSCloud. MC Speaker Trainer Community Leader @web3_london
[15:30 - 17:30 ] Workshop: Introduction to Web3 for non-technical people with GTON team [Ballroom2] [workshop] by Alex P | GCYou are not a developer but would like to learn how to use all the cool web3 tools to trade on DeFi, create NFTs or explore the metaverse? This workshop is for you!
About Speakers:Alex P | GC: @10b57e6da0 🦞 admin & LobsterDaily author. @GtonCapital ⚜️DAO Team
[15:50 - 16:00 ] Making the transition from web2 to web3 with good vibes⚡ [Developer DAO track] by Jonathan PereiraA walkthrough of my experience moving from the web2 world to the universe of web3, and how some random strangers in the Developer DAO discord helped me navigate this rabbithole. Also, as a developer exploring new technologies how you can leverage the knowledge and the community that Developer DAO bring together to help everyone succeed.
About Speakers:Jonathan Pereira:
[16:00 - 16:25 ] Build and permanently deploy decentralized frontends to Arweave [Developer DAO track] by Dhaiwat PandyaThere is a severe lack of awareness around the centralization issues around web3 frontends and the decentralized options available out there. It is extremely important for everyone involved in web3 to care about permanent and censorship-resistant frontends so that our 'dapps' aren't just centralized servers at the mercy of companies like AWS.
Permanent frontends address one of the most important problems around crypto - security. Once you deploy a frontend to Arweave, the webpage served by that link will always stay the same. It can never change, it will never change. No more domains getting hacked or anything like that. You can even link your ENS to your Arweave deployments, adding one more layer of security to your dapp to make sure your users don't get phished.
About Speakers:Dhaiwat Pandya: Dev building UIs & devtools for web3. Open Sourcer by heart. Developer DAO core contributor.
[16:30 - 16:45 ] Building BD/partnerships to power growth for your web3 startup⚡ [Developer DAO track] by Farhaj MayanHow can you solve the cold start problem of getting users or revenue for your web3 company? How do you scale after you've acquired your initial community of loyal/early users? That's where partnerships/BD comes into play. In this session we'll walk through examples of popular growth frameworks and tactics used by some of the biggest companies in web3 + what we've done at buildspace to scale our product and community to 100k+ builders in just 1 year since launch.
About Speakers:Farhaj Mayan: Partnerships and growth at buildspace
[16:45 - 17:05 ] Scaling the Carbon Markets with Blockchain Data by Giorgio Alessandro Donà DanioniIn this talk we will explore how the voluntary carbon markets benefits and can rapidly scale using public blockchains. We’ll discuss how the data can be recorded on chain, captured by a subgraph, and transformed into dashboards and pipelines.
Bio: Unlocking data and telling its story is a true passion. Combining years of experience within computer system administration, data analysis, and public accounting, I enjoy exploring ecosystems and making them relatable.
About Speakers:Giorgio Alessandro Donà Danioni: 12+ years of experience qualified Attorney-at-law in Italy and Spain and the author of the bestseller “Blockchain masterclass”
Friday 18 November
[09:30 - 18:30 ] VC Speed Dating on November 18th Our VC Speed Dating session allows VCs to book meetings with founders and builders of interest to optimize networking and deal making opportunities during your time at the conference.
We provide a special app that makes it easy for VCs and investors to quickly filter through projects that are close to their interest so they can meet with as many founders and builders as possible during our special session at the conference.
All participating VCs will get their logo displayed on the website and at the venue
The VC Speed Dating also includes a half day workshop intro to Web3 for investors and non-technical people.
[10:00 - 10:25 ] How 0x works across the stack [track2] by Daria ShakhbazovaGeneral talk about the value that 0x as aggregator on multiple levels brings to the market + latest product updates.
About Speakers:Daria Shakhbazova: BD at 0x
[10:00 - 10:25 ] Scaling metaverse infrastructure with rollups [track1] by Alex P | GCHow rollups help scale L1s.
About Speakers:Alex P | GC: @10b57e6da0 🦞 admin & LobsterDaily author. @GtonCapital ⚜️DAO Team
[10:00 - 11:00 ] Workshop: Partnering with the Giants (November 18th) [workshop] by Emin AlievThe "Partnering with the Giants" Workshop is aimed at helping your startup get cutting-edge insights and personalized feedback on concepts, strategies and opportunities for partnering with most suitable established players in your focus areas.
- What does it take for a startup to enter a strategic corporate alliance?
- Where to begin, and how to build the roadmap?
- How to define and inform risk vs. reward expectations on both side of the relationship?
- What are our proprietary Trust Index and Capabilities Pyramid, and why they should be at the heart of every successful strategic alliance?
- How to positively influence your strategic partner's thinking over time in order to take the relationship to the next level?
In this interactive workshop, we explore together key concepts, methods, frameworks and define an actionable plan to make your next strategic alliance a runaway success story.
About Speakers:Emin Aliev: Paving the road to Metaverse for Big Tech and E-Comm
[10:30 - 10:55 ] How and why we democratize access to the decentralized web. [track1] by Francesco AndreoliThe ad-based internet is broken.
The web 2.0 status quo was built at a time when the internet lacked a transactional layer. It was very difficult to monetize, so people and their data became the product.
Disparate, centralized services meant that users had to remember hundreds of passwords to hundreds of platforms that were regularly being hacked and leaking data.
MetaMask Snaps use Secure Ecma Script allow the wallet to be securely extended at run-time to support a variety of new use-cases
About Speakers:Francesco Andreoli: DevRel/Community at @ConsenSys.
[10:30 - 10:50 ] Neon’s Journey to Enable EVM on Solana [track2] by Marina GuryevaNeon EVM has been being built since December 2020. The team of Neon Labs Ltd overcame a lot of technical hurdles and found a lot of technical tricks to unite Ethereum world with Solana’s. The results of the work done and some of the technical solutions being implemeted will be presented by Marina Guryeva, co-founder and director of Neon Labs Ltd.
About Speakers:Marina Guryeva: CEO of NeonLabs
[11:30 - 11:55 ] Building a Multichain NFT dApps [track2] by Krinza MominThe talk aims to cover the following topics:
→ Why Web3 Developers Need APIs
→ Purpose-built APIs: NFT API, Query API, and Token API
→ Interoperability, multichain, and utility use-cases
About Speakers:Krinza Momin: developer advocate @ankr • mbd + devrel @developer_dao
[11:30 - 11:55 ] From Web 2.5 to Web 3: Crossing the Final Frontier [track1] by Serge VarIn this keynote, Serge Var, CEO of Point Labs, highlights the differences between ‘almost web3’ and the dream of a fully decentralized internet, and how tools like Point Network can help bring us to full decentralization
About Speakers:Serge Var: Co-Founder and CEO of Point Network
[11:30 - 12:30 ] Build on Mixin Network [workshop] Mixin Network is an open-source, lightning-fast, and decentralized W3 platform to bring speed and scalability to the blockchain. In this workshop you will learn how to add Mixin payment to your apps.
[12:00 - 12:25 ] Bringing Mining and DeFi together [track1] by Vlad ProtasevichThe Merge causes massive crypto market transformation. To help yesterday’s miners to survive and gain similar margins, new approaches are needed. Bridging Mining and DeFi through understandable algorithms opens synergetic opportunities for both sides. We want to propose new building blocks to rebuild mining industry.
About Speakers:Vlad Protasevich: Founder @ Ezil, software developer.
[12:00 - 12:25 ] Upgradeability (in)security: how to detect vulnerabilities in proxies [track2] by Arseniy ReutovOne of the core properties of the blockchain is its immutability, which means that nobody can alter or forge the previous transactions. However not every smart contract has immutable code. A common practice is to use a proxy pattern to upgrade the contract logic via migrating to a new implementation contract. When upgrading an implementation one should be extremely careful otherwise a smallest mistake may cause serious consequences exemplified by Open Zeppelin, Wormhole and Audius bugs. In this report we will study the principles of proxy patterns, their common pitfalls and will learn to how to detect proxy storage collisions and more.
About Speakers:Arseniy Reutov:
[14:00 - 14:25 ] Flash Oracles - a novel way of delivering data to EVM without touching the storage. [track2] by Marcin KazmierczakNew DeFi & Web3 projects require diversified data delivered at a higher frequency to get an edge over competitors. However, the biggest bottleneck for Oracles is the high storage costs of EVM which hinder scalability.
To solve that problem, RedStone provides data based on meta transactions and layer-2 Arweave storage, supporting thousands of data feeds delivered at a few seconds refresh interval. We will discuss the benefits and limitations of such a design and showcase live integrations.
About Speakers:Marcin Kazmierczak: COO @redstone_defi 🔮 & @warp_contracts ⚙️ | Co-Founder @ETHWarsaw 🧜♀️
[14:00 - 14:25 ] Web3 UX [track1] by Guillaume Bibeau-lavioletteHow to design and build for everybody in Web3. A talk about making sure web3 follows A11y principles, and respects users.
About Speakers:Guillaume Bibeau-laviolette: Staff Engineer DX At Consensys
[14:00 - 15:00 ] Deploying uncensorable dapps with Point Network [workshop] by Serge VarLearn how to make use of decentralized domains+decentralized storage+decentralized identities on Point Network to deploy your own uncensorable, decentralized Twitter (or Reddit, or Upwork, or LinkedIn, or just a home page) on web3
About Speakers:Serge Var: Co-Founder and CEO of Point Network
[14:30 - 14:55 ] Full Stack UX in Web3 [track1] by Rahat ChowdhuryOne often overlooked aspect of mass adoption of Web3 is thinking about the most crucial aspect of your dApp: The User. Security and Decentralization are core parts of retaining users, however, the experience of using an application is what will draw them in. In this talk, we'll go over how a good user Experience can be enhanced from every part of the stack: Smart Contracts, Servers, Infra, and Front end. We will touch on how UX optimization begins on the smart contract level, is enhanced with services like relayers, and tying it all together with tools and techniques to help you fetch and make blockchain data available for your users and update them so they understand what's going on with the application currently connected to their wallet and ultimately achieving their goal for utilizing your application in an effective, clear, and enjoyable way.
About Speakers:Rahat Chowdhury: Lead Developer Relations Engineer at Polygon.
[14:30 - 14:40 ] Improving Web3 UX and Mass Adoption Through Account Abstraction⚡ [track2] by Chirag Titiyanc
About Speakers:Chirag Titiya: Blockchain Engineer at Biconomy
[14:40 - 14:45 ] zenland talk⚡ [track2] nc
[14:45 - 14:50 ] zeeve talk⚡ [track2] nc
[14:50 - 14:55 ] Why web3 communication matters⚡ [track2] by Richa Joshi
- Missing piece of Web3 UI/UX
- Decentralized Communication Protocol for Web3, Important use cases
- How to Notify!! User and developer Journey
- Some Alpha News!
About Speakers:Richa Joshi: Co-founder @pushprotocol
[15:00 - 15:05 ] Generative art & Web3 - A perfect mix?⚡ [track2] by ChrisV2I'll describe how to use different methods of generating art on & off-chain.
About Speakers:ChrisV2: Algorithms & chill | Creator of @ArtPandore | @buidlguidl contributor.

[15:05 - 15:10 ] State-full Bridging Infrastructure⚡ [track2] by Shubham Singh, Pranav GargI'll be :
- covering various approaches to solve for interconnectivity between blockchains.
- doing a demo on how to build cross-chain compatible smart contracts.
- introducing a new thesis that Router Protocol is working on which can impact the adaption of blockchain and change the definition of interoperability as a whole. The thesis is around how we can build a blockchain that can allow already existing bridges to build their validation layer as a smart contract on the router's meta chain.
- going through the efforts being done on self-invoking contracts.
About Speakers:Shubham Singh: Co-founder and CTO at Router Protocol | DFYN
Pranav Garg: Blockchain Dev | Security | @routerprotocol
[15:05 - 15:15 ] Things to be done before starting the development of a Web3 product⚡ [track2] by Vasilii Kaliteevskiinc
About Speakers:Vasilii Kaliteevskii: founder, CEO, Ph.D. in AI and Data Science
[15:30 - 16:30 ] Workshop: Deep diving into Neon EVM architecture. Guide for developers. [workshop] by Andrey Falaleev
- Brief introduction to Neon EVM,
- Purpose and Architecture
- Demo: Setting up Metamask to work with Neon, ERC20 contract deployment using Hardhat, interaction with ERC20 on Neon using MetaMask. ERC20 deployment, Neon precompiled contracts, iterative transactions.
About Speakers:Andrey Falaleev: CTO @neonlabs
[15:30 - 15:55 ] Bringing Web2 Devs to Web3 [track2] by Xiao Wunc
About Speakers:Xiao Wu: CEO @ ChainIDE. Founded White Matrix. M.Sc. and B.Sc. from the University of Alberta.
[15:30 - 15:55 ] Panel: Decentralization vs UX [track1] Featuring Sarang Parikh of Sushi, Serge Var from, Dr Ravi of Zeeve, AlexT from Gton and more.
[16:00 - 16:25 ] Decentralizing Blockchain Explorer Tooling [track1] by Ulyana Skladchikovanc
About Speakers:Ulyana Skladchikova: Working at BlockScout on how to make blockchain data available and decentralized @blockscoutcom.
[16:00 - 16:25 ] On Cumberland [track2] nc
[17:00 - 17:25 ] Mistery talk [track1] by Mudit Guptanc
About Speakers:Mudit Gupta: CISO @0xPolygon. Tech Partner Delta Blockchain Fund. Security Researcher. Ethereum & Web3 dev. SushiSwap adviser.
[17:00 - 17:25 ] Infrastructure for Web3 [track2] by Meng Chan ShuWeb3 is becoming the future of the new internet era, and blockchain is definitely the core technology contributing to the development of Web3. Mixin, as an established open-source public chain, which allows blockchains to gain millions of TPS, sub-second final confirmation, zero transaction fee, enhanced privacy and unlimited extensibility will surely be the solid infrastructure for a decentralized metaverse.
About Speakers:Meng Chan Shu: Director of Mixin Network
[17:30 - 17:55 ] Building The Metaverse Using Modern Web3 Tools [track2] by Filip Martinsson
[17:30 - 17:55 ] Demand of the Continuity in Web3 Security [track1] by Dr Zehua Wang
[17:30 - 17:55 ] On WOM Protocol [track2] by Melanie Mohrnc
About Speakers:Melanie Mohr: Founder & CEO WOM Protocol
[18:00 - 18:25 ] Introducing Native Liquid Staking [track1] by Salim HadriTenderize is taking a radically new and innovative approach to liquid staking. Our goal is to provide a liquid staking experience as if it were native to the underlying protocol, or as close as possible.
Web3 is made possible by the node operators that run the infrastructure and their delegators. We believe a liquid staking solution should treat them as first-class citizens. Node operators (and their delegators) that actually operate web3 infrastructure and make these networks possible should be able to tokenize their stake and enjoy the benefits of liquid staking without interference to their existing workflows.
About Speakers:Salim Hadri: COO at
[18:30 - 18:45 ] MetaMask SDK [track2] by Jyoti Purinc
About Speakers:Jyoti Puri: developer for the MetaMask Extension team
Wednesday 16 November
Check location here
Thursday 17 November

In this workshop with Nader Dabit you will learn how to build a social app on top of the Lens Protocol and Next.js.
Nader Dabit: Director DevRel Aave/**lens | Founder @developer_dao

The Moralis team will teach you how you can use their tools to easily build powerfull DAPPS and interact with the blockchain.
Yoseph Kurnia Soenggoro: Community Engineer @ Moralis

Sarang is a core-team SushiSwap developer working on Trident, cross-chain swaps, streaming and their new yield strategies. In this workshop, he will teach you some of the magic he uses to manage your DeFi yield strategies like they do it at Sushi.
Sarang Parikh: core developer @SushiSwap 🔱.
Here are the list of startups demoing during Demo Day
9:30am GROMIT Benchmark
9:37am LeaseLabs
9:44am Decademia
9:51am ZenLand
9:58am Alfcoin
10:05am Infy Protocol
10:19am RedStone
10:26am C3
10:33am Qubix Infinity
10:40am Tenderize
10:47am MeritRank: Reputation Middleware and Tooling for Advanced Tokenomics
10:54am Fabstir
11:01am Earniverse
11:08am Permissionless/ async
11:15am Nifty Row
11:22am Venera Finance
11:29am Spock Analytics
11:36am Danu
11:44am MYNE
11:58am KLIMA DAO
12:05pm nftworkx
12:12pm Noya
12:19pm Kinetex network
12:26pm newrl
12:30pm GAINS

Together with Joshua J. Bouw you will learn how to use the Aurora EVM and the features it provides such as:
- Aurora Workspace
- Working in a sandbox environment
- Getting NEAR features such as randomness
- Cross contract calls to NEAR contracts
- Deploying EVM smart contracts and interacting with them
Joshua J. Bouw: Aurora Engine Tech Lead

Xiao from the ChainIDE team will lead you DIY your first Web3 dapps. You will also know how to publish & verify your smart contract on Ethereum.
Xiao Wu: CEO @ ChainIDE. Founded White Matrix. M.Sc. and B.Sc. from the University of Alberta.

The Verilog auditing team will show you how to make your smart contracts more secure.
Dr Zehua Wang: Co-founder and CEO @verilog_audit
Zoey Tan: Co-founder and Research Lead @ Verilog Solutions

Eric Bishard from the MetaMask team will show you how to use your Web2 skills to build your first DAPP and smart contract.
Eric Bishard: DevRel @MetaMask
In this workshops you will learn how to master options on-chain. Options can be powerful tools to trade and hedge your bets in this incertain market. Dopex is the number one On-chain Option Exchange and one of the most innovative dapp on Arbitrum.
Richard, Dev Relations Advocate at Dopex will demystify options for you and explain how you can take full advantage of them.

In my talk, I would like to share my journey that how I developed the subgraph for the lens protocol as a complete beginner. I would like to share what I learned while developing the subgraph starting from a complete beginner. Why did I decide to develop that in DeveloperDAO instead of my personal project, what challenges did I face, how did I solve them and what role did the team members play in that, and how did they help me in achieving the goal. My learnings from this
Nazeeh Vahora: Frontend engineer at ReImagined Finance.

Manbir Singh: Community Engineer @ConsenSys ; Team @MetaMask 🦊💙

raza zaidi: Lead Dev Rel Europe @0xPolygon

Mirko Garozzo: Software Engineer at MetaMask

Gerard Sans: Helping Devs to succeed #AI #web3 / ex @AWSCloud. MC Speaker Trainer Community Leader @web3_london

You are not a developer but would like to learn how to use all the cool web3 tools to trade on DeFi, create NFTs or explore the metaverse? This workshop is for you!
Alex P | GC: @10b57e6da0 🦞 admin & LobsterDaily author. @GtonCapital ⚜️DAO Team

A walkthrough of my experience moving from the web2 world to the universe of web3, and how some random strangers in the Developer DAO discord helped me navigate this rabbithole. Also, as a developer exploring new technologies how you can leverage the knowledge and the community that Developer DAO bring together to help everyone succeed.
Jonathan Pereira:

There is a severe lack of awareness around the centralization issues around web3 frontends and the decentralized options available out there. It is extremely important for everyone involved in web3 to care about permanent and censorship-resistant frontends so that our 'dapps' aren't just centralized servers at the mercy of companies like AWS.
Permanent frontends address one of the most important problems around crypto - security. Once you deploy a frontend to Arweave, the webpage served by that link will always stay the same. It can never change, it will never change. No more domains getting hacked or anything like that. You can even link your ENS to your Arweave deployments, adding one more layer of security to your dapp to make sure your users don't get phished.
Dhaiwat Pandya: Dev building UIs & devtools for web3. Open Sourcer by heart. Developer DAO core contributor.

How can you solve the cold start problem of getting users or revenue for your web3 company? How do you scale after you've acquired your initial community of loyal/early users? That's where partnerships/BD comes into play. In this session we'll walk through examples of popular growth frameworks and tactics used by some of the biggest companies in web3 + what we've done at buildspace to scale our product and community to 100k+ builders in just 1 year since launch.
Farhaj Mayan: Partnerships and growth at buildspace

In this talk we will explore how the voluntary carbon markets benefits and can rapidly scale using public blockchains. We’ll discuss how the data can be recorded on chain, captured by a subgraph, and transformed into dashboards and pipelines.
Bio: Unlocking data and telling its story is a true passion. Combining years of experience within computer system administration, data analysis, and public accounting, I enjoy exploring ecosystems and making them relatable.
Giorgio Alessandro Donà Danioni: 12+ years of experience qualified Attorney-at-law in Italy and Spain and the author of the bestseller “Blockchain masterclass”
Friday 18 November
Our VC Speed Dating session allows VCs to book meetings with founders and builders of interest to optimize networking and deal making opportunities during your time at the conference.
We provide a special app that makes it easy for VCs and investors to quickly filter through projects that are close to their interest so they can meet with as many founders and builders as possible during our special session at the conference.
All participating VCs will get their logo displayed on the website and at the venue
The VC Speed Dating also includes a half day workshop intro to Web3 for investors and non-technical people.

General talk about the value that 0x as aggregator on multiple levels brings to the market + latest product updates.
Daria Shakhbazova: BD at 0x

How rollups help scale L1s.
Alex P | GC: @10b57e6da0 🦞 admin & LobsterDaily author. @GtonCapital ⚜️DAO Team

The "Partnering with the Giants" Workshop is aimed at helping your startup get cutting-edge insights and personalized feedback on concepts, strategies and opportunities for partnering with most suitable established players in your focus areas.
- What does it take for a startup to enter a strategic corporate alliance?
- Where to begin, and how to build the roadmap?
- How to define and inform risk vs. reward expectations on both side of the relationship?
- What are our proprietary Trust Index and Capabilities Pyramid, and why they should be at the heart of every successful strategic alliance?
- How to positively influence your strategic partner's thinking over time in order to take the relationship to the next level? In this interactive workshop, we explore together key concepts, methods, frameworks and define an actionable plan to make your next strategic alliance a runaway success story.
Emin Aliev: Paving the road to Metaverse for Big Tech and E-Comm

The ad-based internet is broken.
The web 2.0 status quo was built at a time when the internet lacked a transactional layer. It was very difficult to monetize, so people and their data became the product. Disparate, centralized services meant that users had to remember hundreds of passwords to hundreds of platforms that were regularly being hacked and leaking data.
MetaMask Snaps use Secure Ecma Script allow the wallet to be securely extended at run-time to support a variety of new use-cases
Francesco Andreoli: DevRel/Community at @ConsenSys.

Neon EVM has been being built since December 2020. The team of Neon Labs Ltd overcame a lot of technical hurdles and found a lot of technical tricks to unite Ethereum world with Solana’s. The results of the work done and some of the technical solutions being implemeted will be presented by Marina Guryeva, co-founder and director of Neon Labs Ltd.
Marina Guryeva: CEO of NeonLabs

The talk aims to cover the following topics:
→ Why Web3 Developers Need APIs → Purpose-built APIs: NFT API, Query API, and Token API → Interoperability, multichain, and utility use-cases
Krinza Momin: developer advocate @ankr • mbd + devrel @developer_dao

In this keynote, Serge Var, CEO of Point Labs, highlights the differences between ‘almost web3’ and the dream of a fully decentralized internet, and how tools like Point Network can help bring us to full decentralization
Serge Var: Co-Founder and CEO of Point Network
Mixin Network is an open-source, lightning-fast, and decentralized W3 platform to bring speed and scalability to the blockchain. In this workshop you will learn how to add Mixin payment to your apps.

The Merge causes massive crypto market transformation. To help yesterday’s miners to survive and gain similar margins, new approaches are needed. Bridging Mining and DeFi through understandable algorithms opens synergetic opportunities for both sides. We want to propose new building blocks to rebuild mining industry.
Vlad Protasevich: Founder @ Ezil, software developer.

One of the core properties of the blockchain is its immutability, which means that nobody can alter or forge the previous transactions. However not every smart contract has immutable code. A common practice is to use a proxy pattern to upgrade the contract logic via migrating to a new implementation contract. When upgrading an implementation one should be extremely careful otherwise a smallest mistake may cause serious consequences exemplified by Open Zeppelin, Wormhole and Audius bugs. In this report we will study the principles of proxy patterns, their common pitfalls and will learn to how to detect proxy storage collisions and more.
Arseniy Reutov:

New DeFi & Web3 projects require diversified data delivered at a higher frequency to get an edge over competitors. However, the biggest bottleneck for Oracles is the high storage costs of EVM which hinder scalability.
To solve that problem, RedStone provides data based on meta transactions and layer-2 Arweave storage, supporting thousands of data feeds delivered at a few seconds refresh interval. We will discuss the benefits and limitations of such a design and showcase live integrations.
Marcin Kazmierczak: COO @redstone_defi 🔮 & @warp_contracts ⚙️ | Co-Founder @ETHWarsaw 🧜♀️

How to design and build for everybody in Web3. A talk about making sure web3 follows A11y principles, and respects users.
Guillaume Bibeau-laviolette: Staff Engineer DX At Consensys

Learn how to make use of decentralized domains+decentralized storage+decentralized identities on Point Network to deploy your own uncensorable, decentralized Twitter (or Reddit, or Upwork, or LinkedIn, or just a home page) on web3
Serge Var: Co-Founder and CEO of Point Network

One often overlooked aspect of mass adoption of Web3 is thinking about the most crucial aspect of your dApp: The User. Security and Decentralization are core parts of retaining users, however, the experience of using an application is what will draw them in. In this talk, we'll go over how a good user Experience can be enhanced from every part of the stack: Smart Contracts, Servers, Infra, and Front end. We will touch on how UX optimization begins on the smart contract level, is enhanced with services like relayers, and tying it all together with tools and techniques to help you fetch and make blockchain data available for your users and update them so they understand what's going on with the application currently connected to their wallet and ultimately achieving their goal for utilizing your application in an effective, clear, and enjoyable way.
Rahat Chowdhury: Lead Developer Relations Engineer at Polygon.

Chirag Titiya: Blockchain Engineer at Biconomy

- Missing piece of Web3 UI/UX
- Decentralized Communication Protocol for Web3, Important use cases
- How to Notify!! User and developer Journey
- Some Alpha News!
Richa Joshi: Co-founder @pushprotocol

I'll describe how to use different methods of generating art on & off-chain.
ChrisV2: Algorithms & chill | Creator of @ArtPandore | @buidlguidl contributor.

I'll be :
- covering various approaches to solve for interconnectivity between blockchains.
- doing a demo on how to build cross-chain compatible smart contracts.
- introducing a new thesis that Router Protocol is working on which can impact the adaption of blockchain and change the definition of interoperability as a whole. The thesis is around how we can build a blockchain that can allow already existing bridges to build their validation layer as a smart contract on the router's meta chain.
- going through the efforts being done on self-invoking contracts.
Shubham Singh: Co-founder and CTO at Router Protocol | DFYN
Pranav Garg: Blockchain Dev | Security | @routerprotocol

Vasilii Kaliteevskii: founder, CEO, Ph.D. in AI and Data Science

- Brief introduction to Neon EVM,
- Purpose and Architecture
- Demo: Setting up Metamask to work with Neon, ERC20 contract deployment using Hardhat, interaction with ERC20 on Neon using MetaMask. ERC20 deployment, Neon precompiled contracts, iterative transactions.
Andrey Falaleev: CTO @neonlabs

Xiao Wu: CEO @ ChainIDE. Founded White Matrix. M.Sc. and B.Sc. from the University of Alberta.
Featuring Sarang Parikh of Sushi, Serge Var from, Dr Ravi of Zeeve, AlexT from Gton and more.

Ulyana Skladchikova: Working at BlockScout on how to make blockchain data available and decentralized @blockscoutcom.

Mudit Gupta: CISO @0xPolygon. Tech Partner Delta Blockchain Fund. Security Researcher. Ethereum & Web3 dev. SushiSwap adviser.

Web3 is becoming the future of the new internet era, and blockchain is definitely the core technology contributing to the development of Web3. Mixin, as an established open-source public chain, which allows blockchains to gain millions of TPS, sub-second final confirmation, zero transaction fee, enhanced privacy and unlimited extensibility will surely be the solid infrastructure for a decentralized metaverse.
Meng Chan Shu: Director of Mixin Network

Melanie Mohr: Founder & CEO WOM Protocol

Tenderize is taking a radically new and innovative approach to liquid staking. Our goal is to provide a liquid staking experience as if it were native to the underlying protocol, or as close as possible.
Web3 is made possible by the node operators that run the infrastructure and their delegators. We believe a liquid staking solution should treat them as first-class citizens. Node operators (and their delegators) that actually operate web3 infrastructure and make these networks possible should be able to tokenize their stake and enjoy the benefits of liquid staking without interference to their existing workflows.
Salim Hadri: COO at

Jyoti Puri: developer for the MetaMask Extension team
November 16th, all in-person: Exclusive Networking Beach Bar Party at Bla Bla Dubai sponsored by
November 17th, all in-person: workshops, talks, hackathon and exhibitions
November 18th, all in-person: talks, panels, VC speed dating and exhibitions
Day | Hour | Activity |
Nov 17th-Nov 18th | all day | Hackathon (starts online on Oct 27th until Nov 16th and in-person at venue on Nov 17) |
Nov 16th | 8pm - 12am | Exclusive Networking Beach Bar Party at Bla Bla Dubai sponsored by |
Nov 17th | 8:30am - 9:30am | Breakfast |
Nov 17th | 9:30am - 12:30pm | Morning Workshops and Talk Sessions |
Nov 17th | 9:30am - 12:30pm | Demo Day |
Nov 17th | 12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch |
Nov 17th | 1:30pm - 4:30pm | Afternoon Workshops Sessions |
Nov 18th | 8:30am - 9:30am | Breakfast |
Nov 18th | 10:00am - 12:30pm | Morning Talks Sessions |
Nov 18th | 10:00am - 6:30pm | VC Speed Dating |
Nov 18th | 12:30pm - 2pm | Lunch |
Nov 18th | 2pm - 7:30pm | Afternoon Talks Sessions |
Our Workshops on November 17th
Building a Full Stack Web3 Social Application
In this workshop with Nader Dabit you will learn how to build a social app on top of the Lens Protocol and Next.js.
Build your first DAPP and smart contract with NextJS and MetaMask
Eric Bishard from the MetaMask team will show you how to use your Web2 skills to build your first DAPP and smart contract.
Introduction to Web3 for non-technical people with GTON team
You are not a developer but would like to learn how to use all the cool web3 tools to trade on DeFi, create NFTs or explore the metaverse? This workshop is for you!
Building an NFT-based Events System
The Moralis team will teach you how you can use their tools to easily build powerful DAPPS and interact with the blockchain.
CTF: Secure and audit Smart Contracts with the Verilog team
The Verilog auditing team will show you how to make your smart contracts more secure.
Sushi Vault with Sarang Parikh
Sarang is a core-team SushiSwap developer working on Trident, cross-chain swaps, streaming and their new yield strategies. In this workshop, he will teach you some of the magic he uses to manage your DeFi yield strategies like they do it at Sushi.
On-chain Options 101 with the Dopex Team
In this workshops you will learn how to master options on-chain. Options can be powerful tools to trade and hedge your bets in this incertain market. Dopex is the number one On-chain Option Exchange and one of the most innovative dapp on Arbitrum.
Richard, Dev Relations Advocate at Dopex will demystify options for you and explain how you can take full advantage of them.
Deploy your first smart contract easily
Xiao from the ChainIDE team will lead you DIY your first Web3 dapps. You will also know how to publish & verify your smart contract on Ethereum.
Guide to Aurora EVM for Builders
Together with Joshua J. Bouw you will learn how to use the Aurora EVM and the features it provides such as: Aurora Workspace Working in a sandbox environment Getting NEAR features such as randomness Cross contract calls to NEAR contracts Deploying EVM smart contracts and interacting with them
Our Special Sessions on November 18th
Partnering with the Giants (November 18th)
The "Partnering with the Giants" Workshop is aimed at helping your startup get cutting-edge insights and personalized feedback on concepts, strategies and opportunities for partnering with most suitable established players in your focus areas.
- - What does it take for a startup to enter a strategic corporate alliance?
- - Where to begin, and how to build the roadmap?
- - How to define and inform risk vs. reward expectations on both side of the relationship?
- - What are our proprietary Trust Index and Capabilities Pyramid, and why they should be at the heart of every successful strategic alliance?
- - How to positively influence your strategic partner's thinking over time in order to take the relationship to the next level?
In this interactive workshop, we explore together key concepts, methods, frameworks and define an actionable plan to make your next strategic alliance a runaway success story.
Deploying uncensorable dapps with Point Network
Learn how to make use of decentralized domains+decentralized storage+decentralized identities on Point Network to deploy your own uncensorable, decentralized Twitter (or Reddit, or Upwork, or LinkedIn, or just a home page) on web3
Deep diving into Neon EVM architecture. Guide for developers.
- Brief introduction to Neon EVM,
- Purpose and Architecture
- Demo: Setting up Metamask to work with Neon, ERC20 contract deployment using Hardhat, interaction with ERC20 on Neon using MetaMask. ERC20 deployment, Neon precompiled contracts, iterative transactions.
Build on Mixin Network
Mixin Network is an open-source, lightning-fast, and decentralized W3 platform to bring speed and scalability to the blockchain. In this workshop you will learn how to add Mixin payment to your apps.
Demo Day and VC Speed Dating
We know how hard it is to get funding for builders and how exhausting scouting projects can be for investors in this bear market. This is why we will offer founders and builders at the conference a unique opportunity to present 5 minutes in front of a VC audience during our Demo Day on the 17th of November. On the 18th, you will talk face to face with VCs that selected you using our custom booking app.
Demo Day
- Founders:
- - you get 5 minutes to pitch and demo your project in front of a VC audience
- VCs:
- - Sit down and relax while listening to founders pitching.
- - Book your favorite founders for a meeting using our app.
- Schedule: November 17th, 9:30am-1:30pm
- Includes breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks
VC Speed Dating
- Founders and VCs:
- - you get 5-10 minutes to talk face to face
- - VCs only meet with pre-booked founders of interest
- - zero commission: any deal that happens at Web3Dubai is yours and goes 100% to founders, no middle man.
- Schedule: November 18th, 10:00am-6:30pm
- Includes breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks
You are a founder and already have your ticket? Register your project here
If you do not have a ticket yet, here is how to register:
Our participating VCs so far (more coming soon):
Le Meridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Centre - Airport Rd - Garhoud - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Le Meridien Conference Centre provides a wide space ideal for networking, learning, exhibition and entertainment. The 5-star hotel include many swimming pools, bars and restaurants.
All tickets include one guaranteed workshop you can select during checkout process, you will also be able to attend a second workshop for free according to availability during the conference. Conference will take place at Le Meridien Conference Center, the tickets that include hotel will be booked at this hotel, note that not all tickets include hotel.
Get notified about the latest news about our upcoming side events, speakers and more here.
Be a DeFi Chef with Sushi. Swap, earn, stack yields, lend, borrow, leverage all on one decentralized, community driven platform. Welcome home to DeFi.
Bring your features and APIs to MetaMask with Snaps. The most popular wallet is now an extensible platform for permissionless innovation. Extend the functionality of MetaMask.
A Snap is a program run in an isolated environment that customizes and extends the wallet experience. We are looking for new and interesting use cases to modify MetaMask using Snaps.
Snaps’ mission is to expand web3 by giving developers the power to build on MetaMask. Whether it's consolidating multiple chains in one wallet, improving user security, or something else, Snaps is the developer platform for improving web3.
GTON CAPITAL is a DAO building DeFi infrastructure and an ecosystem of products for advancing digital capital markets.
Dopex is a maximum liquidity and minimal exposure options protocol.
Cumberland Lab
Cumberland Labs is a team of engineers, product managers, builders and business developers who build blockchain products across multiple verticals across the crypto ecosystem. Labs additionally works with select founders and early stage teams to help bring blockchain projects from Zero to One.
Blockscout is an open source tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
ChainIDE is a cloud-based Integrated Development Environment that can help the development of smart contracts and Web3 Dapps. It is the first multi-chain IDE that supports blockchain ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain.
The Decurity team consists of experienced hackers who have been doing application security assessments and penetration testing for over a decade. We are doing web3 security audits and developing solutions for automated contract analysis and transaction monitoring. Our efforts have helped to protect hundreds of millions of dollars and make web3 a safer place.
Mixin Network
Mixin Network is an open-source, lightning-fast, and decentralized W3 platform to bring speed and scalability to the blockchain. Mixin allows blockchains to gain millions of TPS, sub-second final confirmation, zero transaction fee, enhanced privacy and unlimited extensibility.
Mixin Network is a PoS network with 26 full nodes. As a wallet solution, it is currently supporting 44 public blockchains including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, Polkadot, etc. The total assets on the network have been over 1 billion US Dollars. Mixin is also a full-featured financial platform with functions of AMM, aggregating trade, pending orders on Exchange platforms, unbiased stable currency, etc. Mixin Network is dedicated to providing users with a decentralized blockchain infrastructure that always puts security, privacy, and decentralization first.
Neon enables dApp developers to use Ethereum tooling to scale and get access to Solana.
Sixhands builds Web3 applications and high-load digital services with solid graphics and high quality user experience.
Gold Sponsors
Zenland is a blockchain escrow service for safe, transparent, and trustless trade with anyone over the internet.
Biconomy is a Web3 developer platform that empowers blockchain developers to build without limits, so we can all easily access and benefit from a decentralised future.
We do this by providing a non-custodial, multi-chain, and gas efficient relayer infrastructure network that powers meta transactions at scale. We’ve also developed a hyper-flexible SDK that lets developers build effortlessly while keeping things simple for end users.
Integration with the SDK takes only minutes, and it allows easy plugging, stacking, and customisation of APIs and modules that result in one-click user journeys, transaction bundling, and control over gas fees.
Zeeve is trusted by thousands of Blockchain startups, Enterprises and Web3 Developers to deploy, scale, monitor and manage their decentralized applications.
QuickSwap is Polygon’s biggest DEX. The DragonFi ecosystem is rapidly becoming the go-to hub for all of your DeFi and gaming needs. Offering lightning-fast trading speeds, a user-friendly interface, capital efficient V3 model, and Gamma’s superb liquidity management solution, QuickSwap is a one-stop shop.
Connecting Web3 with DeFi through Liquid Staking
Media Partners
Web3 Universe meetup in London
DeFi Dubai
The DeFi Meetup for Devs in Dubai
Web3 Panjab Community
Official Web3 Panjab community | Promoting Web3 and technology | Connecting developers with industry | Promoting learning.
Expanding the Web3 ecosystem in Chennai
Just a bunch of #Web3 enthusiasts from Hyderabad
Builders Of Web3
A platform for Communities, Individuals, Builders, Projects and Services of Web3 to come connect , create and collaborate.
On a mission to bring more community professionals into Web3. PuneDAO is built for enabling the stakeholders and professionals in the Web3 space.
Gains Associates
GAINS Associates is the #1 Crowdsourcing Platform Accessible for the masses.
Web3 Meetup India
We are known to organise coolest and most innovative web3 events in India alongwith amazing builders and great
The Product House
Learn, buidl, grow and hang out in the coolest web3 community out there.
Learn About Web3 & Crypto
Lumos Labs
Global Web3 community. Building a metaverse for developers
A Better "LinkedIn" for Web3 Professionals | Refer Talent & Earn Crypto | Buidl your On-chain Resume | WAGMI
Web3 community in Kerala
WGMI Community
What is Web3?
Dapps and Modular Blockchains
As decentralized apps become more advanced, the need for modular and custom built blockchains keeps growing through layer2s and modular chains like Celestia.
Decentralized finance aims to make financial apps as trustless, permissionless and resilient as possible.
Smart Contracts
Smart Contracts are like simple robots that run your dapps.
Oracles make it possible for dapps to access data from outside the blockchain (such as forex prices, election results etc).
Smart Contract are only half of the battle, a good interface and user experience is how we reach the next billion users using JS, TypeScript, React, Vue, Svelt, archive services, wallets etc.
NFTs make it possible to demonstrate you own something on chain such as art, a diploma or any other credential.